Report: FAD Milan 2012

Exactly one week ago I was attending the Fedora Activity Dayorganized in Milan in concomitance with the Linux Day event being organized in several italian cities. Meeting the Fedora italian team has been simply great, we’ve been collaborating remotely since more than an year now and finding out all them being so friendly and pleasant has been a great pleasure. Each of us presented a specific Fedora-related topic (I personally talked about Fedora and its Infrastructure, my presentation is publicly viewable at the following link) and I must admit everyone did an awesome job, we taught and learnt from each other at the same time and given the fact it was the very first time the team was put together, well, I can say our mission was accomplished. [Read More]

FAD Milano 2012

È con piacere che annuncio la mia presenza al Fedora Activity Day di Milano in data 27 Ottobre 2012 e con altrettanto piacere ringrazio gli organizzatori per avermi dedicato uno spazio di trenta minuti in cui discutere ed approfondire le tematiche derivanti dall’amministrazione di sistemi Linux, nello specifico, dell’amministrazione degli stessi computer che ospitano e rendono disponibili numerosi servizi alle migliaia di utenti Fedora che contribuiscono quotidianamente al progetto. Ho partecipato fisicamente, purtroppo, a pochissimi eventi Open Source e per questo motivo sono particolarmente emozionato di aver la possibilità di prender parte ad una manifestazione così sentita ed apprezzata come il Linux Day, contesto in cui lo stesso Fedora Activity Day prenderà piede. [Read More]

Fedora Board’s Town Hall

Today we had a great Town Hall meeting kindly hosted and moderated by Kevin Fenzi (nirik). We received a lot of interesting and nice questions by the contributors and developers that were attending: What do you feel needs to be improved in the Fedora Community? How can you’re being on the Board improve the Community? Do you think that too many issues in Fedora are referred directly to the Board, and if so, how would you like to see this improved? [Read More]

Fedora Board’s Questionnaire

If you are not subscribed to the fedora-announcemailing list but you are still interested in having a look at my responses about community-asked questions, here they are: What will you be able to accomplish by being elected, that you would not otherwise be able to do as a contributor? (As you will notice by reading the list right down here) Being a single contributor makes achieving these points impossible since changing how localized communities should work, improving our CoC and enforcing its rules and re-thinking Board’s role in our community is something that must be discussed and voted within the Board and its members. [Read More]